Resolve to give credit generously詳實引注,解決剽竊疑慮

If ever there is a time to go the extra mile—and life is rife with such opportunities—giving full credit in a paper to the work of another scholar is one such time.Penury is a foolish habit in general,but being ungenerous in the academic realm can be particularly dangerous.Egos that drive academicians to discover new truths are easily bruised when the work is not duly credited.In the worst case,such insults can come back to haunt the slighter in legal and professional ways.
So in laying out the framework of a paper and preparing to dive into research,let the good scholar thus resolve:Where the work of a previous researcher is a springboard to new understanding,the debt owed the earlier discoverer will be openly and frankly paid.Honesty is the best policy.Transparent appreciation for the work of predecessors not only strengthens a paper by firmly grounding it in a discipline,it sets the stage for new revelation and argument.
Where it can get tricky is in the slog of research.As the weeks of reading and notation creep by and the number of sources mounts,careless attribution can unwittingly become part of the process.Who said that…this guy or that one?Oh-oh,is that my jotted observation or the stated view of another?Such mistakes are understandable,but unless they are cleared up prior to submission or publication,they can explode into mighty embarrassments.Don't get sloppy.