This article/analysis/essay/investigation/paper/research/study/survey/thesis/work addresses/analyzes/argues/deems/holds/concerns/covers/includes/deals with/touches on/is about......
The author demonstrates/discusses/describes/elaborates on/expounds/emphasizes/explains/explores/probes into/expresses/focuseson/formulates/summarizes......
......is studied in this paper/is the subject of this investigation.
......have developed dramatically over the last century,lessons learned……
In the previous publication it was shown……
This paper presents the results of……surveys conducted by……
This paper provides a brief history of……
The paper reviews the context for……
This analysis/article/essay/paper/thesis considers/deems it necessary to……
It is necessary to……
……create(s)new problems and call(s)for new……
……has(have)resulted in a need for……
……require(s)an effective……
……is an essential process to……
……play(s)important roals in……
……is an important means of……
……will be important.
Previous surveys have addressed the question of…….The surveys reported in this paper are a follow-up study to the earlier surveys.
Although this process has successfully achieved this objective,it is still not completely understood…….There is limited information regarding……and no information could be found on the relationship between……and…….To be understand……
The limitations of……are discussed.
……has the potential to…….However,no comparative studies on……are available,and……has not been attempted.
……is a major contributor to…….However it is much neglected in the research and planning activities of……
Despite the recent……of……
The analysis/article/essay/paper/thesis aims to/attempts to/makes an attempt to/tries to/intends to/is intended to……
The chief/key/main/major/primary/pricipal/aim/attempt/goal/object/objective/proposal/purpose of this paper/research/work is to……
To/In order to assess/evaluate/compare/clarify/decribe/determine/explore/examine/testify/check/identify/improve/investigate/study……
To this end……is(was)studied…..
In this paper,we wish to……
A……based……is used,which requires……
A……model is developed to represent……
A……model tested the……of……
A simple modification in the model changes the focus from……to……
A……system was used to……
……was(were)treated with……
……measurements were made……
……were separated into……groups based on……
……were randomly divided/grouped into……groups.
Statistical methods……was used for……
……also incorporates a……
The new……system has been tested in……
The proposed……employs an information system to store……
The samples of……were collected by……
The test for……has been carried out……
We sampled the……of……
We experimented on the property of……
Using……(tecnique),we studied……
Using……,it was found that……
……was(were)measured using……
By performing a one-dimensional analysis on a……
With reference to……,……is obtained,……problem is solved through……method.
In order to examine the……,a questionnaire survey has been conducted with……
The average……increases with……
The mean percent fifferences between……and……that were observed indicated that……and it was evident that……
The author has computed/worked out……
In this paper,we measured……
Comparing……and……,it was found that……
The……range of……was measured by……
The……rate of……was calculated by means of……
The……was estimated……
It is found that……
The……are found to be……
……is confirmed.
Key findings of the study include……
The study of……indicates/reveals/shows/suggests that……
The authors conclude that……
The approach can be used with……
Based on……,……can determine……
The model can be used for answering various“what if”questions that may be very helpful to……
The outcome of the investigation is to provide……
It is anticipated that the conceptual model presented here will be used as a basis for……
Overall,the results suggest improvements to……
Significant improvements in performance appear possible through……
The present study makes it possible to apply……
These models provide a viable alternative to……
The model was implemented to predict……when……
Model results also suggests benefits for……
The results of……effort illustrate the vaule of……
……will call for new forms of……,greater supporter of……
Although there is already……,more……is still needed.
We believe this approach opens the way to further development on problems in……