什么是Coherence and Cohesion?
銜接(Cohesion)也是學術寫作的一個非常重要的方面,因為它會立即影響你寫作的基調。在學術Assignment寫作語法錯誤(grammatical error)雖然影響你的主要觀點,但是會影響你的總體分數。但是,銜接的寫作并不意味著僅僅是“語法正確”的句子;內聚性寫作是指你的思想在句子層面和段落層面上的聯系。
Coherence means the connection of ideas at the idea level,and cohesion means the connection of ideas at the sentence level.Basically,coherence refers to the“rhetorical”aspects of your writing,which include developing and supporting your argument(e.g.thesis statement development),synthesizing and integrating readings,organizing and clarifying ideas.The cohesion of writing focuses on the“grammatical”aspects of writing.
Cohesion is also a very important aspect of academic writing,because it immediately affects the tone of your writing.Although some instructors may say grammatical errors may not affect your main idea,you will lose mark due to many grammatical errors.However,cohesive writing does not mean just“grammatically correct”sentences;cohesive writing refers to the connection of your ideas both at the sentence level and at the paragraph level.
一個實用的工具可以幫助你提高寫作的連貫性,那就是使用概念圖(concept map)。概念圖也被稱為“反向提綱”reverse outline,當你完成Assignment的主要觀點后,把每段的主要觀點寫下來——主題句(topic sentences)。檢查主題句是否與Assignment的主題陳述相關聯,或者是否偏離了主要論點。當你重復這個過程的時候,它會幫助你更清楚地知道如何連貫地發(fā)展你的論點,以及如何有效地組織你的想法。
One of the practical tools that can help improve the coherence of your writing is to use a concept map.The concept map is also known as“reverse outline”since you make an outline of your paper after you have finished the main ideas of your paper.
Write down the main idea of each paragraph—which is called a topic sentence—on a blank piece of paper.Check to see if the topic sentences are connected to the thesis statement of your paper or if you have strayed from your main argument.As you repeat this process,it will help you become more aware of how to develop your argument coherently and how to organize your ideas effectively.Here is a concept map template you can use.
最后的,最后,希望大家可以按照這個方法多做練習,Coherence and Cohesion提高不是一日之功,尤其英文Assignment作業(yè)寫作的方式還有思考方式和中文的差別很大。只有不斷思考,不斷練習,才會有所改進。若因為due的原因需要盡快提交作業(yè),建議大家選擇Australiaway的Assignment代寫服務,原創(chuàng)保證,安全無憂,歡迎咨詢網站客服。